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News category: Zebrascript

in category All, Zebrascript

How to fix error “FAILED -OUT OF ENERGY” at Tron-based token transfer

People still meet problems while sending Tron-based tokens from Exodus, Atomic, Ledger wallets, other wallets, and other software. Here is how to solve it.


  • 2023-02-06: increase of transaction fees due to the addition of dynamic energy charges (read)
  • 2023-04-07: fixing “FAILED -OUT OF ENERGY” error in different wallets (read)
  • 2024-07-09: another possible cause of out of energy and how to solve it (read)
  • Summary: how to fix the “FAILED -OUT OF ENERGY” problem and save on sending USDT (read)

Since December 4, 2022, some customers, who are using Zebrascript to make payments and send money, began to receive an error message for some outgoing transactions on the Tron network. Various wallet users have also been affected by this problem. The cause, details and solution method will be examined below.