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Zebrascript 1.32

This release comes with a new payment module for TRC20 crypto-tokens that allows you to perform a payout using a raw transaction signed in another software; that allows to not disclose your private key in Zebrascript. Also fixed a few small bugs.


  • Now TRC20 payout can be sent without specifying private key because of new module that sends already signed raw transaction into the TRON blockchain. And corresponding API method is added. Once triggered, Zebrascript broadcasts the raw transaction and treats it as payout.


  • Fixed a payout error that occurred if there was an invoice with the same shop_payment_id. Now the uniqueness of shop_payment_id for the created payout is checked only among payouts.
  • Fixed token balance calculation which summarized the balances of all tokens for which payment options are configured.
  • Fixed database structure used during initial Zebrascript installation.
  • Fixed invisibility of invoice arguments and payout arguments that were added by the user in the payment gateway.
  • Fixed the small visibility issue: the default favicon is displayed on some public pages, even if admin has set a custom favicon.
This news is published in categories: Zebrascript changelog